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Ensuring healthier, better, longer lives

Sustainable Energy

Providing sustainable renewable energy


Growing vegetables using a water-based nutrient solution with no pesticides

Healthy Food in Need

Growing vegetables using a water-based nutrient solution with no pesticides

Healthier Generation

Growing vegetables using a water-based nutrient solution with no pesticides

Live Longer Healthier Lives

What's the use of collecting data if you are not trying to provide a solution to cause of why you are collecting the data?

TecFarms Philanthropies is on the forefront of the fight against heart disease and obesity epidemic that has impacted our country, especially in under-served, low income and most vulnerable neighborhoods. We donate healthy vegetables we grow in order to foster healthy nutritional, physical and lifestyle options, towards breaking down mental, emotional, social and physical challenges and partner with health clinics that resides in the neighborhood and use that data to improve on the communities lives.


Always Fresh

Thanks to innovative organic technologies, our products are always fresh and don’t need any treatment.

100% organic

We adhere to our organic philosophy, which implies avoiding pesticides and non-organic fertilizers.

No additives

We avoid any artificial additives after harvesting the crops to offer you the best organic products.

Modern farm

Though we rely on traditional organic farming a lot, we also use the latest farming innovations.


Growing this year

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Benefits of Organic Produce

Organic food faq

Organic products are grown in environmentally friendly ways. Toxic or persistent pesticides and other agricultural chemicals are prohibited. There is also a focus on renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water.

Avoiding agricultural chemicals is one of the top reasons to eat organic food. In general, according to the latest research, consumers who buy organic products cite health/nutrition, taste and food safety as the top motivators for their purchases. Environmental effects are also a strong reason to buy and eat organic products.

There is growing research that indicate greater amounts of certain nutrients in organic crops compared to conventional crops. If you’re concerned about pesticides, the application of potentially harmful, long-lasting pesticides and fertilizers are not allowed in organic agriculture. The EPA considers 60% of all herbicides, 90% of all fungicides, and 30% of all insecticides as potentially cancer-causing.

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